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Industry / Innovation / Economy
A film profiling the animation industry in India and the top end. original work being done to dispel the backend service provider image, produced for the Public Diplomacy Division, Ministry of External affairs
English 25,10,3 minute versions
Securing Futures
A film for International Labour Organization on the ‘Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna’ an innovative intervention to help provide medical insurance and its impact on people living below the poverty line, narrowcasted repeatedly at various fora
Two language versions Hindi and English 12, 5, 25 minute versions each
Lessons in Friendship
Fifty years ago on 15th September 1964 the Indian technical and economic cooperation programme was announced by the Indian cabinet to provide a framework for sharing India’s expertise, resources and leanings to help build national capacities of other nations traversing the same developmental pathways. Fifty years hence the impact is obvious! This programme has helped strengthen national capacities across continents. However it is the multitude of professionals who visit India annually to upgrade skills which remains the uniqueness of this endeavour.
English 37,: 12, : 4 minutes versions